20 Minute Workout with Train Wild

Hey there! Welcome to my 20 minute workout! This is going to be fun!

What is it?

It’s a modified interval workout, so you’ll be doing some intense work, but not 100% all-out work intervals. For my clients, I often add these types of workouts in maybe once a week, if it’s something they want to do and will contribute to their goals. They’re a good way to get some overall body conditioning in a short amount of time. Because they are intense, they shouldn’t be done more than once or twice per week.

In the video, I’ll explain the workout, then show you the exercises and modifications before we get started. Want to skip right to the workout? (After you’re warmed up, of course.) Jump to 6:14 in the video. Listen for the beeps to prompt you when the timer is 3 seconds from starting and ending the interval!

What you need:

  • Mat or soft surface to work
  • Water
  • Towel (optional, in case you get sweaty! FYI: You will get sweaty.)

Tips for making this a great workout:

  • Go at your own pace! No need to go at the same speed as me or anyone else.
  • Do as much or as little as you want. For example: need to rest more than the 20 second rest interval? Go ahead!
  • Use good form! Good form vs speed is always best. Quality over quantity.
  • Warm up. Always do at least a 5 minute dynamic warm up that helps you break into a slight sweat, get your blood pumping, and warms your tissues up.
  • Cool down when you’re done!

You’re ready to go wild! Get to it! I’ll meet you there. 😉

Like the workout? Get more like it with training plans from Ashlen. Online or in-person, you’ll get a great plan for your goals!